Author: Judith

  • Narratives in Neuroscience Part 2– Highlights from the research

    Narratives in Neuroscience Part 2– Highlights from the research

    Firstly the research methodology is explained. This is followed by a summary of how neuroscience reveals the Default Mode Network acting as the Concept Building Brain, the Storytelling Brain and the Social Brain, and how this Evolutionary Triptych could have driven human evolution.

  • Narratives in Neuroscience (Part 3)

    Narratives in Neuroscience (Part 3)

    Implications for Education Since humans harnessed fire to extend their day beyond sundown, Stories have been shared – to explain the world, to calm our fears,to preserve ancient wisdom& to prepare us for the future. Adolescence: A Window of Opportunity Adolescence spans the ages from 10 to 19 and is a period of physical, cognitive…

  • Narratives in Neuroscience (Part 1)

    Narratives in Neuroscience (Part 1)

    An Integrative Literature Review What fMRI analysis of the Default Mode Network can reveal about the brain Under the Influence of Stories Introduction Narratives are increasingly being used in neuroscience as naturalistic stimuli for studies employing Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) analysis to examine the regions of the brain collectively known as the Default Mode…

  • Using Cli-Fi to Reframe Responses to Climate Change – Podcast

    Using Cli-Fi to Reframe Responses to Climate Change – Podcast

    My contribution to Literature as a lens for climate change (in 5 parts)Young, R. L. (2022). Literature as a lens for climate change : using narratives to prepare the next generation. Lexington Books. Listen here or Subscribe to Developmental Bibliotherapy Podcasts on Spotify Part 1 Introduction: Teaching Climate Change without Creating Despair or Entrenching Denial…

  • Eco-Fiction[1]– The SuperGenre Hiding In Plain Sight

    Eco-Fiction[1]– The SuperGenre Hiding In Plain Sight

    When some of the earliest imagery created by humans depicts their interactions with their environment, it is astounding to think that Eco-fiction as a genre was identified and defined merely a few decades ago. Simply put, Eco-fiction portrays aspects of the natural environment and non-human life as an evolving entity with agency in its relationship…

  • Chance & The Prepared Mind – A 21st Century Perspective

    Chance & The Prepared Mind – A 21st Century Perspective

    “…by chance you might say. But remember gentlemen, in the fields of observation, chance favours only the prepared mind.” Louis Pasteur, December 7th 1854. December 2022 marks the bicentennial of the discovery of the relationship between Electricity and Magnetism by Hans Christian Ørsted just a few months prior to the birth of Louis Pasteur in…

  • Literacy Links to Wellbeing

    Literacy Links to Wellbeing

    Reading Fiction can Influence Wellbeing Literacy. A team at Melbourne University is proposing a Capability Model for Wellbeing Literacy. This model attributes an agency, intention and freedom of choice (a capability) to enhance and maintain the wellbeing of ourselves, others and the wider world, made possible by way of multimodal forms of language. The team’s…

  • READ4LIFE Podcasts

    READ4LIFE Podcasts

    Listen to Developmental Bibliotherapy as a podcast… Or Listen on Spotify Developmental Bibliotherapy: A Quick Introduction Cli-Fi: Reframing Young People’s Responses to Climate Change Chance and the Prepared Mind Photos by Juja Han and Nick Fewings on Unsplash

  • Developmental Bibliotherapy on Prezi

    Developmental Bibliotherapy on Prezi

    Click here for prezi  

  • Great Leaders Read Fiction

    Great Leaders Read Fiction

    Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought.To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears.To be led by a fool is to be led by the opportunists who control the fool.To be led by a thief is to offer up your most precious treasures to be stolen.To be…